A person is usually measured by their work accomplishments, however, I’ve long since learned what they do outside of work typifies the character they’ll bring to work each day.
- Summary: The full measure of a person should include all work. Over my 40 years of experience, this separated good from great hires. During Covid I built detached office, water filtration building and new well housing.
- Knowledge: Architectural Design, Project Management, Cost Analysis, Structural Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Concrete, Carpentry, Roofing, Painting.
- Highlights: Rigid foam on exterior to eliminate thermal bridging, custom truss design for easier sheathing and ceiling insulation, designed to have HVAC and computers in attic, radiant floor heating, mini-split conditioning, custom mullion to join windows (due to limited window inventory during Covid), vinyl plank flooring, Cat6, MC clad electrical, 3 circuit breaker panel. Designed for the Electromagnetic Hypersensitive.
- Titles: Architect, Project Manager, Engineer, Trade.
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- Summary: Created Splunk module to enable maintenance scheduling. Augmented Splunk alert notification by creating HTML email templating engine.
- Knowledge: Splunk, Python, Outlook, HTML.
- Titles: Software Engineer, Senior Developer.
- Highlights: Email alerts with links, graphics, and action response. Splunk interface to set monitoring maintenance.
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- Summary: Identified need, assessed feasibility, designed, built, deployed, and adminstered enterprise monitoring system.
- Knowledge: Linux, bash, perl, Nagios, Centreon, VPN, HTML, Splunk, AppManager, Java, SQL, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL.
- Highlights: Monitoring: 200+ sites, 400+ servers, 200+ metrics/server measuring trillions of metrics per year using in-house developed and open source components. Short ROI, unmatched flexibility, and highly customizable.
- Titles: Senior Systems Architect, Senior Developer, Administrator, Support Engineer.
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- Summary: Built a web based File tree application.
- Knowledge: HTML, AJAX, PHP.
- Titles: Systems Architect, Lead Programmer.
- Highlights: Displayed most file types, permitted basic text file editing, had virtual links, mirrored physical file directory security and structure, allowed create, rename, move of directory and file.
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- Summary: IETech started 1990 to provide employment flexibility and be a platform for technology development.
- Knowledge: Dbase III, HTML, AJAX, PHP, Linux, Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, MSSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, LDAP, Postfix, IPSec, Samba.
- Titles: CEO, CTO, Systems Architect, Project Manager, Consultant.
- Highlights: Created a web-based file tree application, served all IT needs for small businesses for 15 years.
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- Summary: Breathed life into an ill-advised, antiquated credit approval system
- Knowledge: XBase.
- Highlights: 48 hours straight of just myself reviving a crashing XBase system.
- Titles: Support Engineer
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- Summary: Created a single multi-tasking workstation consolidating 3 disparate systems.
- Knowledge: 3270 emulation, XBase, Virtual Box, VMWare, Windows, Linux.
- Highlights: Allowed department to reduce costs, expand more easily, and improve fraud issues.
- Titles: System Architect
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- Summary: Designed custom furniture line
- Knowledge: Word macros and AutoCAD
- Highlights: If design changed, the design document changed
- Titles:
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- Summary: Created a Tiered Employee Knowledge Base
- Knowledge: Group coordination, tracking
- Highlights: Policy management, bill back mechanisms
- Titles: Project Manager
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- Summary: Built 800 node campust wide network and environmentally controlled central server room.
- Knowledge: network engineering, network security, computer room design, security protocols.
- Titles: Network Engineer.
- Highlights: Replaced mainframe terminal infrastructure with a networking infrastructure. Established security protocol to reduce system compromises.
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